June’s birthstones are pearl, moonstone, and Alexandrite. Pearls represent the beauty of nature and symbolize loyalty, friendship, and faithfulness.

Moonstone is known to bring balance, calm, and a connection to the energy of the moon. It is also said to help enhance intuition and psychic abilities.

Alexandrite is a rare gemstone that changes color depending on the light. It symbolizes good luck, honesty, and creativity. Each of these birthstones has unique qualities that make it special to those born in June. Whether used as jewelry or kept close by, these stones are sure to bring joy and positivity into their lives.

No matter what stone you choose, June’s birthstones are sure to make a beautiful addition to any collection. Whether they are used as jewelry or kept close by, these stones are a perfect way to show your appreciation for someone born in June.

With their unique symbolism and beauty, these stones are sure to bring joy and positivity into the life of those born in this special month.

Table of Contents

Pearl Birthstone

Pearl: Meaning and History

The history of pearls is one that goes back thousands of years. It is believed that the earliest known use of pearls as jewelry dates back to 2400 BC in ancient Mesopotamia. The Ancient Greeks and Romans were frequent pearl users, and the latter even had laws governing who could wear pearls.

Pearls were highly sought after by the upper classes in Europe for centuries and were often given as gifts to Kings, Queens, and important dignitaries. During the Renaissance Era, elaborate pearl jewelry sets were popular among the nobility and the wealthy elites.

In more recent times, pearls have been a popular choice for bridal jewelry. Victorian Era brides often donned pearl necklaces, earrings, and tiaras as part of their wedding day look. In the 1920s and 30s, pearl necklaces were a popular accessory for Hollywood starlets like Joan Crawford and Greta Garbo.

Today, pearls are still a popular choice for jewelry, although they are now used by people from all walks of life. They are often given as gifts for special occasions and have become a timeless symbol of beauty and sophistication. Pearls continue to be a popular choice for jewelry, with their classic beauty and timeless appeal.

Pearls are a classic and beautiful choice for those born in the month of June. The pearl has been used for centuries as a symbol of purity, innocence, humility and sincerity. It is believed that pearls bring wisdom, prosperity and good luck to their owners. As an organic gemstone, many consider pearls to be even more valuable than diamonds.

They represent the many beautiful moments of life and remind us of the importance of cherishing every single moment. The pearl is also a symbol of transformation, as pearls are formed in oysters when an irritant enters the shell, eventually creating something extraordinary from something ordinary.

Wearing pearls can bring confidence and inner peace, making them the perfect gemstone for June babies.

Pearls come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors – from creamy whites to golden browns. No two pearls are exactly alike, just as no two birthdays are the same. Whether they are worn as jewelry or carried with you, pearls can bring beauty and positivity into your life. Celebrate your unique June birthday with the particular gemstone of pearls!

pearl infographic

Chemical Composition of pearls

Pearls are composed of calcium carbonate, conchiolin and water. The chemical combination of these three elements creates the perfect environment for pearl formation to take place.

Calcium Carbonate is a mineral that forms in an oyster’s shell when it secretes nacre over a foreign body, such as a grain of sand. Conchiolin is a protein that forms the layers of nacre between the calcium carbonate.

The water binds these two elements together to form the pearl. Pearls come in many colors, shapes and sizes due to the oyster’s environment and diet, as well as how long it takes for a pearl to form.

Different types of pearls can be formed with different combinations of these three essential ingredients.

Natural pearls are made entirely by the oyster, while cultured pearls are produced intentionally through human assistance and consist of a foreign body placed inside the mollusk as well as artificially-introduced nacre.

Pearl color is determined mainly by the amount of conchiolin present in its structure. The more conchiolin in the pearl, the darker its color will be. Pearls are a beautiful and timeless accessory that brings luxury to any look.

Knowing about their unique chemical composition adds an extra appreciation to these precious gems.

Location of pearls in the world

Pearls are found in many parts of the world, but some of the most coveted come from certain areas. In the South Pacific, pearls can be sourced from Tahiti and French Polynesia.

The warm waters off the coast of Japan are well-known for producing Akoya pearls, while Australia is known for its South Sea Pinctada maxima variety.

The Gulf of California, also known as the Sea of Cortez, provides much of the pearl production for Mexico. In the Atlantic Ocean, pearls have been harvested in the waters of Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina.

Further north in Europe, Portugal is a noted producer of its own distinctive types of pearls. No matter where they’re sourced, pearls have a timeless elegance and beauty that will never go out of style.

Hardiness of pearls

The Mohs Scale is a commonly used method for measuring the hardness of pearls. Pearls are generally ranked in between 2.5 and 4 on the scale, making them fairly soft compared to other gemstones, such as diamonds, which rank at 10. This means that they require special care when being worn or stored to ensure they last longer and remain in top condition.

Some tips to follow when caring for pearls include avoiding contact with perfume, lotion, and other substances that may damage the surface of the pearl.

Also, storing them away from extreme temperatures and humidity can help extend their life. With proper care, pearls can retain their luster and beauty for a long time.

The Care of pearls

Pearls need to be handled with extra care. Make sure that you store them properly in a cool, dry place, such as a jewelry box or pouch. As pearls are organic materials, they can be easily damaged by harsh chemicals and extreme temperatures.

So make sure to take them off before swimming, showering, or doing any housework so that they don’t come into contact with chemicals or soap. Also, keep them away from direct sunlight as it can cause the color to fade over time.

Lastly, avoid wearing your pearls on a regular basis, as friction and sweat can also cause them to deteriorate. Cleaning your pearls regularly is also important for keeping them looking their best. Use a soft, damp cloth and gently wipe them down.

Never use cleaning solutions or abrasive materials on your pearls as they can damage the delicate surface. Regularly inspecting your pearl jewelry is also essential for making sure that the settings are secure and looking their best.

If you notice any damage, have them professionally repaired as soon as possible to prevent further damage. With proper care and maintenance, pearls can last a lifetime.

Moonstone Birthstone

Moonstone is the birthstone for June and it has been a popular stone throughout history. Its unique shimmering effect, known as adularescence, was thought to have special powers by many cultures. It was believed to bring good luck and protection from harm.

Today, it’s still associated with positive qualities such as new beginnings and inner growth. Moonstone also carries with them a spiritual connection to the moon, which is said to represent our emotions and feelings. This makes it a perfect stone for those looking to reflect on their inner selves and uncover hidden truths about themselves.

Even today, moonstone jewelry remains popular for its beauty and mythological associations. It’s the perfect gift for June babies who are looking to tap into their inner voice and find a sense of clarity. With its unique properties, moonstone is sure to bring good luck and protection from harm no matter the occasion.

moonstone infographic

Moonstone : Meaning and History

Moonstone is an ancient gemstone, with evidence of its use in jewelry and decoration dating back to the Bronze Age. Its popularity peaked during the Roman Empire when it was a favored stone for rings and bracelets.

The Romans believed that moonstone held special powers and was a symbol of good fortune. In India, moonstones were considered sacred and were traditionally given at weddings as a symbol of love.

In the 19th century, moonstone was a popular choice among European royalty. Queen Victoria chose moonstone jewelry to commemorate her 25th anniversary, and her successor King Edward VII gave his wife Alexandra a diamond and moonstone tiara for their engagement.

Moonstones have also been used in jewelry for special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries or to commemorate a significant event.

Today, moonstone is still popular among jewelers and collectors alike. Its unique appearance and spiritual significance make it a perfect choice for those who want to express their love or celebrate important milestones.

While some opt for the traditional white moonstone, others prefer the rarer varieties such as rainbow moonstone or black moonstone.

Moonstone is the birthstone for June and has long been associated with the moon, symbolizing inner growth and strength. It has often been used in jewelry and other decorative items to evoke harmony with nature.

Additionally, some believe that wearing a moonstone can enhance intuition, promote inspiration and encourage self-discovery.

Chemical Composition of Moonstone

The moonstone gemstone is a type of feldspar that contains two varieties – orthoclase and albite. Its chemical composition includes silicon dioxide (SiO2) as well as calcium, sodium and potassium atoms. The unique optical effect of adularescence in the crystal is caused by light reflecting off alternating layers of different densities within the stone. This optical effect is created by light reflecting off alternating layers of different densities and refractive index in the stone. Moonstone may also contain additional trace elements, such as titanium or iron, which can give it a range of hues from yellow to blue to green. The most common color for moonstone is white but other colors such as yellow, pink, and peach have been known to occur.

Location of moonstone in the world

Moonstone can be found in various places around the world. In Europe, it is commonly found in Slovakia, Austria, and Switzerland. In the United States, moonstone has been discovered in California, Virginia and Pennsylvania.

Moonstone can also be found in India, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. There have been reports of finding moonstone on some of the Pacific Islands as well. India is known to produce some of the finest moonstone in the world and it is used extensively in jewelry making due to its unique colors, translucence and shine.

Moonstone’s popularity makes it a sought-after gem around the world. It is also becoming more widely available due to improved mining techniques and technology.

Hardiness of moonstone

Moonstone is a beautiful and unique gemstone, known for its distinct iridescent sheen. Its hardness on the Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness is between 6-6.5, making it relatively soft for jewelry wear. It’s important to be mindful when wearing moonstone; as with any precious stone, scratches and abrasion can occur

The care of moonstones

It’s important to take care of it correctly if you want your moonstone gem to stay in its best condition.

To keep it clean, gently scrub the surface with a soft damp cloth. Avoid using harsh detergents, chemicals, or abrasives as it may damage the surface of the gem.

When storing your moonstone gem, keep it away from direct sunlight and extreme temperatures which can cause cracking or fading. It is also important to store them separately in little fabric bags or boxes to avoid scratching against other gems.

Finally, it is important to recharge the energy of your moonstone gem occasionally. Place it in a bowl filled with sea salt and cold water for a few hours.

Alternatively, you can place it on top of an amethyst cluster overnight or hold it during a full moon night. Doing this will help keep your moonstone gem vibrant and energized.

Alexandrite BirthStone

Alexandrite is a rare and valuable gemstone, most commonly associated with June birthdays. It was first discovered in Russia in the 1800s and quickly became known as the jewel of tsars.

The mineral’s unique color-changing characteristics make it especially coveted by collectors. In daylight, Alexandrite appears to be a vibrant green, while in incandescent light, it shifts to a deep red.

This unusual property is due to the presence of chromium in its chemical makeup. Alexandrite is highly sought after for its rarity, beauty, and special properties. It has been used to make jewelry and other ornamental objects since its discovery, and today still holds a high place in the jewelry market.

Its value can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars, depending on the size, color, and clarity of the stone.

For those born in June, Alexandrite is an excellent choice for a birthstone – symbolic of transformation, luck, and strength. It is said that it brings good fortune to its wearer and helps those born in June to navigate the ever-changing currents of life.

Alexandrite infographic

Alexandrite : Meaning and History

The alexandrite gemstone has long been valued for its incredible beauty and rarity. First discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia in 1830, this gemstone was named after Tsar Alexander II. The stone is known for its remarkable color-changing properties; it appears green or blue in natural light, but shifts to a purplish-red hue under artificial light.

Alexandrite is traditionally associated with balance, protection, and abundance; it’s also the birthstone for June. Over the centuries, Alexandrite has enchanted people around the world with its mysterious beauty and mystical properties.

Today, Alexandrite is sought after for its rarity, as this precious stone remains one of the most valuable gemstones in the world.

The alexandrite gemstone is thought to possess several unique properties. It is believed to be a stone of transformation, symbolizing change and progress.

In addition, the alexandrite gemstone has been associated with luck and good fortune, as well as creativity and inspiration. As such, it is often used in jewelry designs for those seeking to bring positive transformation into their lives.

Alexandrite is also believed to be a stone of balance and harmony, offering stability in times of personal or spiritual transition. It can help with calming the mind and emotions, easing stress and anxiety, and helping its wearer make wise decisions.

The various energies associated with the alexandrite gemstone are thought to be beneficial to both physical and emotional health, and can assist with manifesting positive intentions.

Many people also believe that the alexandrite gemstone brings stability to the heart, bringing unconditional love into one’s life. It is said to help open up new opportunities for growth and learning in all aspects of life.

With its powerful vibrational energy, the alexandrite gemstone can be a powerful tool for manifesting positive change and personal transformations.

The color of an individual alexandrite stone can vary from light green to deep red, with some stones exhibiting both colors at once. This color transition is believed to represent the duality of life, as well as the potential for transformation.

The alexandrite gemstone is also believed to represent the concept of unity and oneness, as its two different colors can be seen as connected in harmony. As such, this stone can be used to bring balance into any situation and help one to stay focused on what truly matters.

Chemical Composition of Alexandrite

Alexandrite is an incredibly rare gemstone that is known for its vivid color-change abilities. It is composed of the minerals chrysoberyl and trace amounts of iron, titanium, chromium, vanadium, magnesium and/or manganese. Its unique properties result from trace amounts of chromium in its chemical composition.

The chromium is what gives Alexandrite its distinct light green color in daylight, and a deep red or purple hue when under incandescent lighting. Its vibrant colors make it highly sought after by collectors and jewelry lovers alike. The rarest of all varieties of Alexandrite can have a very high market value due to its limited availability and unique properties. When properly cut and polished, Alexandrite displays light-reflecting properties that make it sparkle in the sunlight or under any artificial lighting. Its color-changing abilities are also enhanced when cut and polished, creating an incredibly stunning piece of jewelry.

Location of Alexandrite in the World

Alexandrite is a rare gemstone, which is found in only a few places throughout the world. It was first discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia and is still mined from this location today. Other sources include Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, Tanzania and Brazil.

Smaller deposits have also been found in Zimbabwe, Myanmar and parts of Africa. Alexandrite is a highly prized gemstone, and its scarcity makes it difficult to find and very valuable.

It has been used in jewelry for centuries, with many of the finest examples coming from Russia. Its unique color-changing properties make it popular for use in rings, pendants and other fine pieces of jewelry.

Hardiness of Alexandrite

The hardness of Alexandrite is rated on the Mohs scale, which ranges from 1 to 10. Alexandrite has a rating of 8.5-9, making it an exceptionally hard gemstone that resists scratches and wear.

Its durability ensures that its beautiful color and luster remain intact for many years to come. Although it may be a bit softer than some other gems like sapphire and diamond, it still has sufficient resistance to withstand everyday wear and tear

The care of Alexandrite

Alexandrite is a beautiful and highly sought-after gemstone, but it requires special care to ensure its beauty. To preserve the smooth surface of the stone, clean with a soft brush using water that is slightly soapy.

Only use mild soap or detergent; avoid harsh chemicals like ammonia or bleach which could damage the surface. Jewelers recommend wiping the stone with a damp cloth after use to remove any dirt, oil or other particles.

When storing Alexandrite, avoid direct sunlight as this can fade the color of the gemstone. To prevent scratches, store it separately from other jewelry in its own box or pouch lined with soft fabric such as velvet. Taking these precautions can help your Alexandrite last for years and maintain its beauty.

In addition to regular cleaning and careful storage, it is important to have the stone appraised periodically. Gemologists can evaluate the gemstone’s clarity, color, and carat weight to ensure that it has not been damaged or altered over time.

Regular appraisal and maintenance can help you be sure that your Alexandrite is as beautiful as it was when you first acquired it.

All about June Birthstones (via Youtube)


With various beautiful stones such as pearl, moonstone, and Alexandrite all representing this particular month, jewelry gifts for those born in June are certainly plentiful. No matter which stone you choose, it is sure to be cherished by anyone born in the month of June!

With a range from mysterious and luxurious to whimsical and romantic, any birthstone is sure to make June babies feel loved.

After all, what better way to show your appreciation for those born in this wonderful time of year than with a beautiful gem that symbolizes their special day? The perfect gift awaits you and your June born loved one! Celebrate the beauty of their birthday with a stunning birthstone that will last a lifetime.

You may also like This: Read the complete guide to all gemstones grouped by the month of the year.

About the Author


I am a pearl and oyster enthusiast who loves to share her knowledge and experiences about fashion with the world. I am neither a certified gemologist nor a reseller of pearls.

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