In the pearl trade, pearls are bought and sold by weight, and historically their weight is expressed in grains. There are four grains to one metric carat. Thus, the pearl grain is a metric weight, 1 grain = 0.25 ct.

Carat = Grains x [1/(4xGrains)]

This tool will convert the weight of a pearl in Grains into Carats

All other gemstone weights are expressed in metric carats, e.g., comparing a spherical drilled pearl weighing 10 grains with a ruby of equivalent weight, the latter would be written as 2.50 carats.

Metric weight = l/5th gram = 4 pearl grains.

pearl weight estimation

Also Try This : The Pearl Value/Price Calculator

About the Author


I am a pearl and oyster enthusiast who loves to share her knowledge and experiences about fashion with the world. I am neither a certified gemologist nor a reseller of pearls.

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