Pearls are a timeless and classic addition to any wardrobe. From necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings, pearls can add an air of sophistication to your look. But how do you make sure they remain in pristine condition?

Knowing how-to-care-for-pearls is essential for preserving their beauty over time. Cleaning them properly, storing them safely away from heat or moisture damage and restringing when necessary all play a role in keeping your pearl jewelry looking as good as new! In this blog post we will cover the basics of caring for pearls so that you can enjoy wearing them for years to come!

Table of Contents

Cleaning Pearls

Cleaning Pearls

Pearls are beautiful and delicate gemstones, so it’s important to take special care when cleaning them. The best way to clean pearls is with a soft cloth dampened with lukewarm water and mild soap. Gently wipe the pearl in circular motions until it is free of dirt or grime. It’s also important not to use any harsh chemicals or abrasive materials as this could damage the surface of the pearl.

Using A Soft Brush

If you need to remove stubborn dirt from your pearls, you can use a very soft brush, such as an old toothbrush or makeup brush. Make sure that the bristles are made of natural fibers like horsehair rather than synthetic ones which may be too rough for pearls. Dip the brush into some warm water mixed with mild soap and gently scrub away any dirt on your pearl jewelry piece in small circles until it is clean again.

Drying Your Pearls

Once you have finished cleaning your pearls, make sure they are completely dry before storing them away again by patting them down gently with a soft cloth or paper towel. Avoid using heat sources such as hair dryers, as this could cause damage to your precious gems. After drying off your pearls, store them safely in their original box lined with cotton wool if possible – this will help keep them safe from dust and other debris while keeping their shine intact for years to come.

Regularly cleaning your pearls with a damp cloth will help keep them looking their best. Now let’s move on to storing pearls and how to protect them from damage.

Storing Pearls

Storing pearls is an important part of keeping them looking their best. Pearls are delicate and can be easily damaged if not stored properly. It’s important to keep them away from moisture, extreme temperatures, direct sunlight, and other elements that could cause damage.

black tahitian pearls
black tahitian pearls

The best way to store your pearls is in a jewelry box or pouch lined with soft fabric such as velvet or silk. This will help protect the pearls from scratches and abrasions caused by hard surfaces like wood or metal. If you don’t have a jewelry box, you can use a soft cloth bag instead; just make sure it’s large enough for all your pieces so they won’t rub against each other while being stored.

When storing multiple strands of pearls together, wrap each strand separately in tissue paper before placing them into the pouch or jewelry box. This will prevent any tangling between strands and ensure that none of the pearl surfaces come into contact with one another, which could lead to scratching over time.

It’s also important to avoid storing your pearls near cosmetics or perfumes, as these products contain chemicals that can discolor the surface of the pearl over time. Additionally, try not to leave your pearls out on display when not wearing them, as dust particles may settle on their surface, causing dirt build-up, which makes cleaning more difficult later on down the line.

Black freshwater pearls in the palm of the hand
Black freshwater pearls in the palm of the hand

Finally, never store damp strings of pearls – always allow them to dry completely before putting away in order to prevent mildew growth which could permanently damage both stringing material and beads alike. By following these simple steps, you will ensure that your precious gems stay safe until the next time you want to wear them again.

Also, when storing pearls, it is important to keep them in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight, The next step is learning how to properly restring them.

Key Tips: To keep your pearls looking their best, store them in a jewelry box or pouch lined with soft fabric, wrap each strand separately in tissue paper, avoid storing near cosmetics, and never store damp strings of pearls.

Restringing Pearls

Restringing pearls is an important part of caring for them. It’s necessary to restring pearls when the string they are on begins to wear out or break, which can happen over time due to normal wear and tear. Restringing also helps keep the necklace from tangling and ensures that it will last longer.

When restringing a pearl necklace, you should use a strong thread such as silk or nylon beading cord in order to ensure that the necklace won’t break easily. You’ll also need some jewelry clasps and crimp beads in order to secure the ends of your strand.

The process for restringing pearls is fairly simple: first, measure out how long you want your strand of pearls to be by wrapping it around your neck or wrist (depending on where you plan on wearing it). Then cut two pieces of thread about three times as long as your desired length plus an extra inch for knotting at each end.

Thread one piece through all of the beads until there’s only one inch left at either end; then tie a double knot with both ends together so that none of the beads slip off during wear. Repeat this step with the other piece of thread but make sure not to twist it too much while doing so. Finally, attach clasps onto each end using crimp beads and pliers – this will help keep everything secure while wearing your necklace.

Different types of pearls may require different techniques when being strung together; freshwater cultured pearls are usually knotted between each bead. Be sure to check what type of pearl you have before beginning any work on them.

It is important, both for aesthetic and safety reasons, to take care when restringing any kind of pearl jewelry. If done incorrectly, they could come apart while being worn and cause injury or damage valuable gems. With the proper materials and technique, though, anyone can successfully restring their own strands without fear.

Restringing pearls is an important part of caring for your precious gems and can help to ensure that they last for many years. To further protect your pearls from damage, it’s important to take some additional steps.

Key Tips: Restringing pearls is an important part of caring for them. Use strong thread such as silk or nylon beading cord, jewelry clasps, and crimp beads to secure the ends of your strand. 

Avoiding Damage

To avoid damage, it’s important to take precautions when wearing and storing your pearls.

When wearing pearls, be sure to put them on after you have applied any cosmetics or perfumes. These products can cause discoloration or dullness in the pearl’s surface over time. It is also important to avoid contact with hairspray and other chemicals that may come into contact with your jewelry while styling your hair.

It is best to store pearls separately from other jewelry pieces as they can easily become scratched by harder gemstones like diamonds or rubies if stored together in the same box or drawer. The ideal storage environment for pearls is one that has low humidity levels and no direct sunlight exposure, which could cause fading of the color over time. Make sure not to wrap your pearls too tightly when storing them, as this can cause stress on the delicate strands leading to breakage down the line.

When cleaning your pearls, use only a soft cloth dampened with water (never harsh detergents) and gently wipe away dirt buildup without scrubbing too hard so as not to scratch their surfaces. If necessary, you may use mild soap diluted in lukewarm water for more stubborn stains but make sure all traces of soap are removed before drying off completely with a soft cloth afterward; otherwise, this will leave behind residue which could potentially damage the pearl’s finish over time due its acidic nature.

To ensure that your pearls stay beautiful and last a lifetime, it is important to take the necessary steps to avoid any damage. Now let’s look at how professional care can help maintain their beauty.

Key Takeaway: Pearls require special care to maintain their beauty. Be sure to store them separately, avoid contact with hairs pray and other chemicals, and clean them gently with a soft cloth dampened in water or mild soap diluted in lukewarm water.

Professional Care

While they may look delicate, pearls are actually quite resilient and require minimal care. However, it is important to have your pearls professionally inspected every few years in order to ensure their longevity. Professional pearl care services offered by jewelers include cleaning, restringing, repairing damage, and storage advice.

Cleaning is an essential part of caring for your pearls as dirt and oils can accumulate on the surface over time. A professional jeweler will use specialized tools to clean the surface of each pearl without damaging them or altering their natural luster. It is also important to check the clasp on necklaces or bracelets periodically as this should be replaced if it becomes loose or corroded due to wear-and-tear over time.

Restringing is another service provided by a professional jeweler which involves removing all of the individual pearls from a necklace or bracelet before replacing them onto a new string with fresh knots between each one. This ensures that no two adjacent pearls rub against each other. Of note, this could cause scratches or abrasions over time that would reduce their value significantly if left unchecked for too long. Additionally, some jewelry stores offer insurance plans so you can protect your investment in case something happens while wearing your piece, such as losing a stone due to breakage caused by an accident or theft from burglary attempts at home/workplace etc.

Key Tips: Pearls require minimal care, but should be professionally inspected every few years for cleaning, restringing, and damage repairs.

FAQs in Relation to How-To-Care-For-Pearls

Can pearls be worn every day?

Yes, pearls can be worn every day. They are a timeless classic that adds an elegant touch to any outfit. Pearls come in many different shapes and sizes, making them versatile enough to match with almost any look. From simple studs for a casual day out to statement necklaces for special occasions, pearls are the perfect accessory for all types of outfits. .

What can damage pearls?

Pearls are delicate and can be easily damaged if not cared for properly. The most common causes of damage to pearls include exposure to chemicals, such as perfumes or lotions; contact with abrasive surfaces; improper storage; extreme temperatures; and direct sunlight.

Additionally, excessive handling of the pearl can cause it to become dull over time. To ensure your pearls last a lifetime, always store them in a soft pouch away from other jewelry items and avoid exposing them to harsh chemicals or environments.


With proper care, your pearls can be enjoyed for generations. Cleaning, storing, restringing and avoiding damage are all important steps in how-to-care-for-pearls.

Taking the time to properly maintain your pearls will ensure that they remain beautiful for years to come. If you ever have questions or need professional help with caring for your pearls, don’t hesitate to reach out to an expert who can provide guidance on the best way forward.

About the Author


I am a pearl and oyster enthusiast who loves to share her knowledge and experiences about fashion with the world. I am neither a certified gemologist nor a reseller of pearls.

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