Posted in  Blog about pearls  on  November 9, 2022 by  Anisa0 comments

So many people find pearls to be intriguing. These naturally formed gems are popularly used in jewelry. There are many different types of pearls that you should know about. Not all pearls are the same, and you’ll find that some pearls, such as Melo pearls, are unique.

When thinking of pearls, you likely think of the common types of pearls that people put on necklaces. These pearls are gorgeous, but there are many other pearl types that have unique qualities. Continue reading to learn about Melo pearls and what makes them so special.

This will help you to gain a greater appreciation for these pearls, and you’ll figure out whether you’d like to own some Melo pearls of your own one day.

Table of Contents

What Are Melo Pearls?

Melo pearls are unique for many different reasons. They aren’t the same as pearls that you’re likely more familiar with. A Melo pearl doesn’t contain nacre like the more traditional white pearls. This is a non-nacreous pearl type that has a different type of luster.

Also, you’ll find that Melo pearls come in different colors. This helps to make them even more appealing to individuals who are looking for pretty gems to use in jewelry.

Although Melo pearls come in many colors, the most popular and sought-after type is the orange Melo pearl. This Melo pearl looks orange enough that it has the same coloration as a papaya fruit when it’s ripe.

So these pearls don’t contain nacre, but how can they be pearls if they don’t have nacre? They’re still formed in mollusks. Below, you’ll learn more about Melo pearls and how they form naturally. It’ll be easier to see why these pearls are so prized once you know more.

Sometimes called melo pearls—are named for the species of univalve mollusk that produces them. The Melo melo is a sea snail that lives in the waters of southern Asia. Its shell has a spiral or scroll-like shape.

What are Melo melo pearls

How Are Melo Pearls Formed?

Melo Snails
Melo Snails

These types of pearls are formed inside of a particular type of snail. They’re made by Melo snails which have the scientific name Volutidae. These snails can produce pearls of various colors. Some pearls will be brown while others will range in color.

As mentioned earlier, orange Melo pearls are the most sought-after type. All Melo pearls are beautiful, and they’re all prized for different reasons. Since these pearls aren’t made with nacre, you’re likely wondering how they’re produced. Melo pearls are made by melo snails using calcite and aragonite.

The process begins when an irritant enters the mantle of the mollusk. Over the course of many years, a pearl will be formed naturally. This process takes longer than most other types of pearls, though. It’s said that it can take decades for a standard-sized Melo pearl to form.

Melo pearls are rare, natural, and non-nacreous. They’re byproducts of harvesting the mollusk for food. The pearls often range from light tan to brown, but orange is the most prized color. Their color has been known to fade, however. Orange Melo pearls can exhibit pronounced flame structure.

How Big Are Melo Pearls?

Melo pearls have the potential to grow very large. Over the course of decades, they can grow to be more than 32 millimeters in size. However, many Melo pearls are substantially smaller than this. It’s possible for Melo pearls to be just a few millimeters in size, but it depends on various factors.

The larger Melo pearls are ones that were allowed to form over the course of decades. It’s a slow process, but it can be worth it since larger and more beautiful pearls will be produced.

Melo pearls that are harvested early will more than likely only be a few millimeters large, but the sizes will vary. You’ll find some pearls being sold when they’re small, and you might also find gigantic Melo pearls being sold.

The average size of Melo pearls should be around 15 to 25 millimeters. Their unusual size is attributed to the large opening of the M. Melo shell. Take this information with a grain of salt, though.

The truth is that the size of the pearl is dependent on how long it developed. These pearls can only form naturally so it depends on when the pearls were found and harvested.

Melo pearls are often spherical, and they can be quite large. One of the biggest ever found weighs 397.52 cts. (2.8 oz. or 79.5 g) and is about three-quarters the size of a golf ball.

Are Melo Pearls Real?

Yes, melo pearls are considered to be “real.” They’re different from other types of pearls due to not containing nacre. Since they’re made of a different material, some might think they would be classified differently. However, they’re still pearls, and they’re considered to be sought-after.

Are Melo Pearls Expensive?

Melo pearls are some of the most expensive pearls that you will ever find. There are certain Melo pearls that are even costlier than normal.

These pearls are so expensive that they aren’t pearls that average people will likely want to spend money on. Some special Melo pearls have been sold in auctions for hundreds of thousands of dollars.

There isn’t a standard price for Melo pearls. Just know that they will cost thousands, even for small pearls. It’s unlikely that Melo pearls will ever be sold for less than tens of thousands of dollars.

Often, the largest orange Melo pearls will fetch prices that are higher than most homes in North America. The price tags attached to these pearls can be mind-boggling.

Are Melo Pearls Rare?

The reason why Melo pearls are so pricey has to do with rarity. These pearls can’t be reproduced or cultivated by farmers. They’re simply formed naturally by Melo snails. They can be found in the South China Sea, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia.

People work hard to find these pearls and they’re not found in large quantities.

Since they’re rare pearls, it’s sensible that they would cost so much money. The high prices of these pearls will put them out of the reach of average individuals. It’s still easy to admire their beauty from afar, though.

In Closing

You now know that Melo pearls are exceptional. These pearls are attractive because they don’t contain any nacre.

They’re formed inside Melo snails, and they can grow to be rather large over the course of decades. It’s only possible for these pearls to form under natural conditions, and that makes them rather rare. The rarity of Melo pearls means that they cost a lot of money.

Some Melo pearls are being sold for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Certain types of Melo pearls are more sought-after than others, and orange pearls are the most popular type. These are the most expensive pearls you’ll find, but it’s easy to see why people appreciate them.

About the Author


I am a pearl and oyster enthusiast who loves to share her knowledge and experiences about fashion with the world. I am neither a certified gemologist nor a reseller of pearls.

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